The storage unit business in the USA is quite simply mammoth. It's become a giant waste of space. I know because my family used to be in it somewhat years ago and I'd love to get back into it myself. I find the numbers a little hard to believe. $7000 a year is $583 a month and with at least two units that's $291 a month for each. One was air conditioned, so I'd assume that one was way more expensive.
Not only this but people leave this shit in there for many years. Even decades! Here's the ultimate question you need to ask yourself. If I had to buy all of that back, at the used price of course, at what point does it cost me more to store all of it than it does to buy it back? Judging by the stuff they had, I'm going to say 9 months. They had had it for at least 5 years!
The other thing you need to consider is, how much can I also sell all of it for? When you add that in, you're probably looking at 6 months.
Due to craigslist and other selling sites, getting rid of and buying other people's stuff has never been easier. Yet you still continue to piss away money each month storing items that you can't emotionally get rid of. It's pathetic. What a waste of resources. How much pollution could be reduced by getting people to use buy less new stuff? How much cancer research could the tens of billions of savings each year produce?
I don't have much faith that you people will heed my advice, so if a great storage facility comes up, I'm buying it. In the mean time, don't be a dumbass by pissing money away each month.