Speculating is the application of intellectual examination and systematic analysis to the problem of the uncertain future.
Another benefit to not having nice things is that when they break or in this case when somebody smashes your side mirror you don't get pissed. Maybe you still get pissed but not as bad as when they break a $1,000 Maseratti mirror. I've always said that when somebody breaks into your house to steal. They should be very disappointed when they finally get in. Editor: Crass Cash Do you have a mentor? If you don't, you need to find one, pronto! Be careful who you choose though. Choosing a good mentor is key. Are they ethical? Are they genuinely interested in helping you? Are they the real deal or just a flashy poser?
A recent survey by Orlando Business Journal said that 87% of people thought that a mentor was very important to their success. I'd be interested to see if the 13% who said it wasn't important were even successful. Henry Ford had Thomas Edison. Warren Buffett had Benjamin Graham. Andrew Carnegie had Tom Scott. Can you be successful without a mentor? Probably, but why God would you want to be? It's going to take you so much longer! Note also that successful people come in many different forms, not just business. Do you want to be the best Buddhist that you can be? If so, then chasing down Donald Trump isn't going to be a good fit. Find somebody older whom you look up to and feel them out to see if they're honest, ethical, and willing to help. Mentors can also take different forms. You don't necessarily have to know one. It could a market titan from yesteryear who has had a number of biographies written about them. But having a real person to discuss ideas is very helpful. A picture is worth a thousand words and a real life mentor is worth a thousand pictures. |
AuthorThis website was created due to the atrociously misguided financial advice that I've heard over the decades. Financial freedom is not intellectually strenuous, but it takes discipline. Categories
October 2017