I ALWAYS get the most criticism in regards to posts like these. But the fact of the matter is, if you don’t need a college degree to get your future job, then you don’t need a college degree. I know, I know, you want to enrich yourself. If that’s the case let me know what you want to waste 4 years doing and I’ll get you a list of books to read. In the amount of time that it takes to earn a degree (on average 5 years) you could become an electrician, plumber, HVAC technician and mechanic, COMBINED. On top of this, these are jobs that will never be outsourced and you usually get paid while doing the apprenticeship!
These are all really good paying jobs as well, with the national average in the mid $40’s. Other areas that you should look into are nursing (requires college), roofing, irrigation, mechanic, or basically anything else that requires a certification and training, but not a college degree. The certifications help keep out competition, while also training you for your job.
These jobs have been shown to be in high demand now and for 10 years into the future according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And if my experience is worth anything, the inadequacy of getting people in these fields just to call you back is usually a sign that they’re pretty busy. In addition to this, when you enter a profession where the previous workers make enough to retire, then this opens the door for future workers.
If you want a good read on this subject from Mike Rowe (host of Dirty Jobs) then click the link below.