Within these 72 pages you will learn how to get out of debt, build wealth, and invest that wealth wisely. After that it's just the nuances of the modern financial world. These are timeless principles of finance that could have been used from the time that civilization first started to the time that it will eventually end.
These are the principles that great societies pass down from one generation to another. Thrift, debt free living, and wealth accumulation don't go out of style. This author clearly and concisely lays out each step that you need to take in order to achieve these goals.
This is a very popular book and could probably be found at your local library, but as always I'm all about FREE! So here it is if you want to read it for free. If you can't read it all right now, just read one chapter each night or in the morning before work. IT'LL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR ONLY 4 HOURS OF YOUR TIME!