Now I know your sweet little snuggle bug wouldn't hurt anybody, but if it freaks out and does, then you're most likely going to get a call from some lawyer you saw on TV. And I'm also sad to inform you that you won't have a leg to stand on in court. This could be very expensive!
This restriction also applies to pit bull mix and "wolf and wolf-hybrid" breeds. I'm not sure what a wolf-hybrid breed is, but it sounds like something that I don't want in my house! Don't think they'll be able to tell if it's a pit bull or not based upon its looks? DNA and a court of law will determine that for you.
On top of this if you have a pit bull and you don't tell your insurance policy, but they some how find out. They have the ability to drop your policy if they want to. Every insurance carrier is different, so be sure to look at your policy to see if there are any other restricted breeds.
If you insist on keeping your bundle of joy despite this potential liability. Please take a look at Einhorn Insurance. According to their website they specialize in these types of policies.