Money has a very emotional aspect to it. It doesn’t actually represent a bunch of numbers on a statement or pieces of paper in your purse. Instead it represents food, water, shelter, security, clothing, and transportation.
This is why people can often act completely irrationally when it comes to money (I’ll discuss this in greater detail tomorrow). How would you feel if you lost over 5 years of your life? Probably not a good feeling and yet if you make $15/hr and you lose $100k, that’s exactly what was wasted. On the flip side, if you make $100k through means other than time commitment/labor (passive investment income). Then you just bought yourself another 5 years of time. I’m fully aware that this capacity if limited (if so, Warren Buffett would live forever), but you only have one life to live. Buy as much of that time as you can!
Money does in fact buy you time to do what you want. It also buys you security. These 2 things along with the basic necessities of life are what we’ve been trying to acquire since we fell out of the trees a few hundred thousand years ago. Don’t waste your time and don’t take your security for granted. The more cash flow generating assets that you can accumulate, the more time you buy yourself for this grain of sand we call life.