Other thanks have changed. My grandfather grew up on a farm. Then he became a butcher. My mother worked in a service job as do all of the children.
In nature when the food source runs out the population dies off and then gives the rest a chance to breed and make more. Then the population grows too large and the cycle repeats itself. We're now seeing this large cycle with the industrialized countries. It has become so expensive to raise children that many people aren't' having them. The population is beginning to drop, with Japan being the worst. The States are the one example but this is due to an immigration influx.
So here it is. If you're struggling to get by and feed yourself and your family. QUIT HAVING FUCKING KIDS! I find it pathetic that I even need to bring this up, but I've seen it over and over again. IF YOU CAN'T FEED'EM, DON'T BREED'EM! I'm may be a jerk, but they're being irresponsible.