Greed comes in many different forms. There's Bernie Madoff type greed and then there's Donald Bren greed. I imagine you've heard of Bernie Madoff. If you haven't. Get your head out if your ass and start reading some business news!
Donald Bren is a different story. Here is a man that has provided housing to tens of thousands of Californians. Did he make a profit? Yes. Was that greedy of him? Yes. But with that greedy activity he was able to make a profit, which was then rolled into more housing ventures. Thus resulting in a basic necessity of life for the rest of humanity.
Communists would call this exploitive, saying that his greed helps suppress the lower classes by profiting from their labor. So I ask you this, how come non-greedy countries have such a hard time supplying the basic necessities of life to their citizens? Why are their food, water, and housing shortages?
People acting in their own self-interest is a good thing, as long as it meets one very important criteria. It has to benefit society. This should be the job of the individual, but apparently there was a fool born every minute, so now the people want the government to do it for them.
On the bright side it's more efficient that way, but only if they do a good job. If not, it's a complete waste of money. Actually it could be more than a complete waste it could be a huge danger. Why? Because then society gets lazy and they let their guard down, just like they did with Bernie Madoff, "The govt is watching him, I'm sure he's legit."
So go my children and pursue greed! But on your journey, just don't be "greedy"...