What about if you don't have kids and you waste $600 a year on food? That comes out to a whopping $117,000 adjusted for inflation. Note this includes all that food and drink that you willfully throw it away because it rots in your frig, freezer, or excess food that you don't take home.
1. Prioritize your eating. Leftovers need to be eaten quickly. Any food that is getting close to its expiration date or if fruits and veggies look like they're on the way out. They need to be consumed before everything else. DO NOT GO TO THE GROCERY STORE UNTIL ALL OF THIS FOOD IS GONE. Get creative with your meals if a number of odds items are going bad.
2. Create a compost pile or bucket. This helps with the release of methane gas which is a major green house contributor and also makes for great fertilizer for your veggie garden. Even those of us who don't waste food can use them for scraps food that aren't edible.
Unfortunately we're all going to die. The less money that you spend on food over your lifetime puts you ahead of the game. It also helps the environment.