Well if you're like most people you're afraid of sharks and think that deer are cuddly animals like Bambi. If you look at the statistics though you'd be totally fucking wrong! You're more likely to be killed by a deer than any other wild animal. How can that be? Car accidents!
So what does this have to do with finance? It has everything to do with investing because the media's portrayal of which of the two wears on your psyche. Every time a person is bitten by a shark it's on the news. Remember the "summer of the shark"? It was a slow news summer prior to 9/11 when all hell broke loose. Do you hear about it every time a person hits or is killed by a deer? No, because it's so common place it's not worth reporting. My dad was almost killed by one 45 years ago driving around the mountains of California.
As we head into a potential bear market or a crash just remember. Don't buy into the hype that the media needs to feed you in order to keep you watching. As Buffett has said repeatedly, "Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy."