On my most recent trip to the grocery store this weekend I noticed that skinless boneless chicken breast sold for around $6 per pound. I'm sure you can find it cheaper, but that's what it was marketed at. The less desired chicken organs, however, were going for $1.50 a pound! A 75% discount!
Western culture for some reason has perceived this meat as inferior vs the more "choice" cuts of meat. As a result it leads to disease, pollution, and waste. These types of meat hold higher concentrations of nutrients that the others do not. Read this article to see what you're missing out on.
Cultures all over the world still eat this meat because they want it to go to waste. It's time to get back to our roots of hunting and gathering where nothing was spared! If you're looking for recipes to cook these meats than look to Southeast Asia for them. It's delicious food and they eat the WHOLE ANIMAL.
The Middle East, India, and South America also have some great recipes. Enjoy!