Entertainment - 1.33%
Transportation - 1.9%
Charity - 2.75%
Insurance - 4.22%
Home - 5.79%
Clothes - 3.14$
Mortgage - 22.32%
Gas - 7.93%
Eating out - 3.84%
Medical - 31.77%
Internet - 2.79%
Utilities - 3.64%
Food - 6.18%
Phone - 2.39%
Salary - 78.95%
Real Estate - 21.05%
I had some serious medical expenses this month! I didn't even realize it! Between being sick last week, the dermatologist, and the dentist I racked up some serious medical bills. Only about 16% of that was for medical insurance. These things happen, but hopefully they don't last.
I have a robust plan for getting this back on track starting in January. Without some unforeseen emergencies I should be able to get this back to 70% savings without much problems.