Food: 16.65%
Transportation: 1.77%
Charity: 2.46%
Medical: 2.99%
Education: 0.69%
General Expense: 0.33%
Insurance: 8.02%
Home: 5.88%
Clothes: 0.31%
Dog: 0.98%
Personal: 3.85%
Mortgage: 21.66%
Gas: 4.8%
Eating out: 4.19%
TV/Internet: 2.69%
Phone: 2.58%
Utilities: 3.44%
Entertainment: 12.66%
Travel: 4.07%
Real Estate: 35.94
Investments: 1.73%
Work: 62.34%
Income is pretty standard stuff. The two items that should jump out at you are the Entertainment and Food categories that I went overboard on and I blew my budget. I bought almost $300 worth of meat that I will probably be consuming for the next 6 months. Hopefully this will help in coming months and bring down future expenses. Also the Entertainment category was high because I bought my first TV in 9 years. The cost is 1/10 of what it was back then, so I think I waited for a sufficient amount of time, but it was still expensive relative to my overall budget.
For the love of God I love to have no mortgage!!
If I keep slipping like this it could take me another year longer to retire. I need to get things back on track, but it could prove to be even more difficult given the number of dates I've been going on. Good restaurants are expensive!