Salary: 61.03%
Real Estate: 38.43%
Investments: 0.54%
Entertainment: 0.31
Transportation: 1.92
Charity: 2.66
Dog: 1.15
Education: 1.13
Insurance: 6.26
Home: 6.26
Clothes: 3.09
Mortgage: 23.43
Gas: 3.44
Personal: 2.27
Eating out: 10.28
Medical: 27.64
TV/Internet: 2.93
Food: 3.48
Phone: 2.12
Travel: 1.63
Wow this is pretty shocking! My medical related expenses are actually higher than my fucking mortgage! A big reason for this is the ortho and that should stop in about another 4 months. I was also shocked to see how much I spent on eating out. I don't do it a whole lot, so one expensive meal can really throw it out of proportion. Regardless that needs to be toned back.
Since I spend so little these numbers can be very erratic month to month. When the mortgage gets paid off it will happen even more so. As a result they're good for noticing certain outliers, but my not be very good indicator as to whether I'm actually spending too much or not.